Buying a vehicle in a tough economy can be a difficult decision to make, but there are great options available if your financial situation is stable. Let's look at some of the reasons to buy a vehicle in this economic climate:
Market research on automotive trends predicts that used car sales often increase despite economic downturns. This is even truer nowadays because buying a pre-owned vehicle isn't a gamble like it might have been several years ago. Modern vehicles are built to last for more than ten years, with regular maintenance.
When the economy and car buyers demand it, dealers offer better prices, which means big savings for you. This is a great time to get a deal on a used vehicle in Calgary.
During a struggling economy, banks might hesitate to offer loans and leasing options for new car buyers, making later-model used cars more attractive. They're affordable, like leases are, and they're modern with similar utility and safety features found in brand new models. Last year's models are now at great prices--just see for yourself in our Used Inventory.
It's not just used cars being sold at great prices, it's also the newer models. In the spring dealers often have end-of-the-year blowouts to clear out the previous year's inventory, and they'll have these at even better prices during trying economic times.
Here's another thing about new vehicles: if they're not selling especially well because of the economy, dealers might have a surplus of inventory. This means buyers get additional incentives and deals, like those featured in our Specials Inventory.
Yet another plus to buying a new vehicle in a bad economy is because gas prices might skyrocket, fuel-efficient vehicles become a better investment. Dealers aren't the only ones who have to respond to economic fluctuations; manufacturers do too. This means new vehicle model releases have better price tags and emphasize overall efficiency. Check out the new Nissan Leaf; it's exactly what we're talking about.
Another example of the kind of manufacturer offers you'll find is our My Choice sales event with $1,500 bonus cash, two payments on us, or no charge for 60 months/100,000 kms warranty!
Financing is always available for both used and new vehicles, and Brasso Nissan makes that easy for you too. We hope you've found this post useful in your car-buying dilemma, and we hope to see you on our lot at Brasso Nissan!